Efektivna saradnja kliničara i laboratorija ključ poboljšanja ishoda zdravstvene zaštite
Effective clinician and laboratory collaboration as the key to improve healthcare outcomes
Moderna laboratorijska dijagnostika kao podrška kliničarima
Modern laboratory diagnostics in supporting clinicians
Hotel Crown Plaza, Beograd
Poštovane kolege i prijatelji,
Dobrodošli na SERBIS 2023, mesto na kome kliničari i biohemičari govore istim jezikom. Tokom godina smo se trudili da uspostavimo svoju individualnost, pažljivo birajući teme koje pokriva naš program. Detaljne informacije o ovom skupu možete naći u našim brošurama koje možete preuzeti sa ove veb stranice.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Welcome to the SERBIS 2023, the place where clinicians and biochemists speak the same language. Over the years we have tried hard to establish our individuality, carefully selecting the topics covered by our programme. More detailed information about this event you can find in our brochures. Links for downloading you can find on this web page.